Welcome to the 2019 BADinTO Season

We would like to welcome to all of the new members to the club as well as all of our fabulous returning members!

The first week of regular play is now behind us, and as usual, the club is very busy. Because of this, we will not be allowing any guests to play on Wednesday and Friday evenings until things die down a little bit.

Please be patient with our Play Directors (especially on Wednesdays). The club is extra busy right now, and “double sit-outs” are unavoidable. Understand that there is a system in place to track who has sit out twice in a row, and be aware that you will not have to sit out twice in a row again until everyone else has. Things will quieten down in about a month or so.

Club Etiquette: For those who arrive at the beginning of the evening, please do what you can to help out to set up the gym for the evening’s play. Same goes for those who are playing the last game of the evening. Please help take down the nets and put the poles away, pick up any trash (or at the very least your own) or dead birds that are laying around and dispose of them. Please do not just finish your game and leave to get changed, the more people who help, the faster we can all go home. Thank you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the BADinTO Executive Committee at info@badinto.com.

Cheers! And have a great season!



Cancellation tonight (Sep11)

Dear BADinTO Members,

We have just been informed by the Permits Office, that they have cancelled our permit for this evening. There will be no badminton tonight!

Friday, September 13 will be for New Members ONLY as planned. The regular season schedule will start next week.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


The BADinTO Executive Committee